
White Room Layout Works

2013-02-02T11:15:26+09:00 [Sat]
--> [Ubuntu]





2013-01-31T06:27:58+09:00 [Thu]
--> [Ubuntu]



AレコードとMXとspfレコードを書いたら終了。らくちんw で、最近は$TTLが非常に短く設定されているので、数分で新サーバに切り替わりました。勝ったw

って、あれ? .in-addr.arpaを書いた記憶が無い……。




2013-01-07T03:34:35+09:00 [Mon]
--> [日常]




2012-06-22T13:34:54+09:00 [Fri]

indesign 角丸修正



tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
	tell document 1
			set ss to object reference of selection
		on error
			display dialog "選択されていません" buttons {"キャンセル"} default button 1
		end try
		set {button returned:btres} to display dialog "上下or左右" buttons {"上下", "左右", "キャンセル"} default button 3
		repeat with s in ss
			convert shape s given convert to rectangle
			set r to rotation angle of s
			tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
				set myRotateMatrix_org to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:r}
				set myRotateMatrix_flat to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:-r}
			end tell
			transform s in pasteboard coordinates from center anchor with matrix myRotateMatrix_flat
			set {y, x, yy, xx} to geometric bounds of s
			set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, yy, x + yy - y}, {y, xx - (yy - y), yy, xx}, {y, x + ((yy - y) / 2), yy, xx - ((yy - y) / 2)}}
			if btres = "上下" then set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, y + xx - x, xx}, {yy - (xx - x), x, yy, xx}, {y + ((xx - x) / 2), x, yy - ((xx - x) / 2), xx}}
			set r1 to duplicate s
			convert shape r1 given convert to oval
			set geometric bounds of r1 to pr1
			set r2 to duplicate s
			convert shape r2 given convert to oval
			set geometric bounds of r2 to pr2
			set geometric bounds of s to ps
			set ns to add path s with {r1, r2}
			transform ns in pasteboard coordinates from center anchor with matrix myRotateMatrix_org
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
2012-06-19T17:59:06+09:00 [Tue]

indesignで先端がまんまるの角丸 外側用


tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
	tell document 1
			set ss to object reference of selection
		on error
			display dialog "選択されていません" buttons {"キャンセル"} default button 1
		end try
		set {button returned:btres} to display dialog "上下or左右" buttons {"上下", "左右", "キャンセル"} default button 3
		repeat with s in ss
			set {y, x, yy, xx} to geometric bounds of s
			set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x - ((yy - y) / 2), yy, x - ((yy - y) / 2) + (yy - y)}, {y, xx - ((yy - y) / 2), yy, xx - ((yy - y) / 2) + (yy - y)}, {y, x, yy, xx}}
			if btres = "上下" then set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y - ((xx - x) / 2), x, y - ((xx - x) / 2) + (xx - x), xx}, {yy - ((xx - x) / 2), x, yy - ((xx - x) / 2) + (xx - x), xx}, {y, x, yy, xx}}
			set r1 to duplicate s
			convert shape r1 given convert to oval
			set geometric bounds of r1 to pr1
			set r2 to duplicate s
			convert shape r2 given convert to oval
			set geometric bounds of r2 to pr2
			add path s with {r1, r2}
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell