tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
tell document 1
set ss to object reference of selection
on error
display dialog "選択されていません" buttons {"キャンセル"} default button 1
end try
set {button returned:btres} to display dialog "上下or左右" buttons {"上下", "左右", "キャンセル"} default button 3
repeat with s in ss
convert shape s given convert to rectangle
set r to rotation angle of s
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
set myRotateMatrix_org to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:r}
set myRotateMatrix_flat to make transformation matrix with properties {counterclockwise rotation angle:-r}
end tell
transform s in pasteboard coordinates from center anchor with matrix myRotateMatrix_flat
set {y, x, yy, xx} to geometric bounds of s
set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, yy, x + yy - y}, {y, xx - (yy - y), yy, xx}, {y, x + ((yy - y) / 2), yy, xx - ((yy - y) / 2)}}
if btres = "上下" then set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, y + xx - x, xx}, {yy - (xx - x), x, yy, xx}, {y + ((xx - x) / 2), x, yy - ((xx - x) / 2), xx}}
set r1 to duplicate s
convert shape r1 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r1 to pr1
set r2 to duplicate s
convert shape r2 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r2 to pr2
set geometric bounds of s to ps
set ns to add path s with {r1, r2}
transform ns in pasteboard coordinates from center anchor with matrix myRotateMatrix_org
end repeat
end tell
end tell
indesign 角丸修正 はコメントを受け付けていません
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
tell document 1
set ss to object reference of selection
on error
display dialog "選択されていません" buttons {"キャンセル"} default button 1
end try
set {button returned:btres} to display dialog "上下or左右" buttons {"上下", "左右", "キャンセル"} default button 3
repeat with s in ss
set {y, x, yy, xx} to geometric bounds of s
set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x - ((yy - y) / 2), yy, x - ((yy - y) / 2) + (yy - y)}, {y, xx - ((yy - y) / 2), yy, xx - ((yy - y) / 2) + (yy - y)}, {y, x, yy, xx}}
if btres = "上下" then set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y - ((xx - x) / 2), x, y - ((xx - x) / 2) + (xx - x), xx}, {yy - ((xx - x) / 2), x, yy - ((xx - x) / 2) + (xx - x), xx}, {y, x, yy, xx}}
set r1 to duplicate s
convert shape r1 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r1 to pr1
set r2 to duplicate s
convert shape r2 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r2 to pr2
add path s with {r1, r2}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
indesignで先端がまんまるの角丸 外側用 はコメントを受け付けていません
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
tell document 1
set ss to object reference of selection
on error
display dialog "選択されていません" buttons {"キャンセル"} default button 1
end try
set {button returned:btres} to display dialog "上下or左右" buttons {"上下", "左右", "キャンセル"} default button 3
repeat with s in ss
set {y, x, yy, xx} to geometric bounds of s
set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, yy, x + yy - y}, {y, xx - (yy - y), yy, xx}, {y, x + ((yy - y) / 2), yy, xx - ((yy - y) / 2)}}
if btres = "上下" then set {pr1, pr2, ps} to {{y, x, y + xx - x, xx}, {yy - (xx - x), x, yy, xx}, {y + ((xx - x) / 2), x, yy - ((xx - x) / 2), xx}}
set r1 to duplicate s
convert shape r1 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r1 to pr1
set r2 to duplicate s
convert shape r2 given convert to oval
set geometric bounds of r2 to pr2
set geometric bounds of s to ps
add path s with {r1, r2}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
indesignで先端がまんまるの角丸 はコメントを受け付けていません
sel = activeDocument.selection;
for(i in sel) {
if(sel[i].typename == "GroupItem") {
p = sel[i].pathItems;
d = sel[i].placedItems;
if(p.length == 1 && d.length == 1) {
pp = p[0];
dd = d[0];
ppw = pp.width;
pph = pp.height;
ppp = pp.position;
ddw = dd.width;
ddh = dd.height;
dd.width = ppw;
dd.height = ddh * ppw / ddw;
if(pph > (ddh * ppw / ddw)) {
dd.width = ddw * pph / ddh;
dd.height = pph;
xdif = (ppw - dd.width) / 2;
ydif = (pph - dd.height) / 2;
if(xdif < 0 ) {xdif = -xdif;}
if(ydif < 0 ) {ydif = -ydif;}
dd.position = [ppp[0] - xdif,ppp[1] + ydif];
JS版。 はコメントを受け付けていません
illustratorにいっぱい画像を貼る作業があったので、こんなもん人間のやる作業じゃないだろw とか思って、indesignのフレームに均等に流し込むボタンみたいなプラグインは無いものか? と探してみましたが、見つからなかったので似たようなものをつくりました。
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
tell document 1
set grilst to group items whose selected = true
repeat with ll in grilst
if (count placed items of ll) = 1 then
set {pir, plir} to {a reference to path item 1 of ll, a reference to placed item 1 of ll}
set {w, h, {x, y}} to {width of pir, height of pir, position of pir}
set {w2, h2} to {width of plir, height of plir}
set {width of plir, height of plir} to {w, h2 * w / w2}
if h > h2 * w / w2 then
set {width of plir, height of plir} to {w2 * h / h2, h}
end if
set {xdif, ydif} to {(w - (width of plir)) / 2, (h - (height of plir)) / 2}
if xdif < 0 then set xdif to -xdif
if ydif < 0 then set ydif to -ydif
set position of plir to {x - xdif, y + ydif}
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
illustratorでindesignの一番左のボタンみたいなの。 はコメントを受け付けていません